Return the percentages of a cross-tabulation table (2 dimensions or more) with formatting and printing options.

prop(tab, ...)

  digits = 1,
  total = TRUE,
  percent = FALSE,
  drop = TRUE,
  n = FALSE,

# S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  digits = 1,
  total = TRUE,
  percent = FALSE,
  drop = TRUE,
  n = FALSE,

# S3 method for class 'matrix'
  digits = 1,
  total = TRUE,
  percent = FALSE,
  drop = TRUE,
  n = FALSE,

# S3 method for class 'tabyl'
prop(tab, digits = 1, total = TRUE, percent = FALSE, n = FALSE, ...)



frequency table


parameters passed to other methods


number of digits to display


if TRUE, add a column with the sum of percentages and a row with global percentages


if TRUE, add a percent sign after the values when printing


if TRUE, lines or columns with a sum of zero, which would generate NaN percentages, are dropped. Unused for tables of 3 dimensions or more (always `FALSE`).


if TRUE, display number of observations per row and per column.


The result is an object of class table and proptab.

See also


## Sample table
tab <- apply(Titanic, c(1,4), sum)
## Percentages
#>        Survived
#> Class   No    Yes   Total
#>   1st     5.5   9.2  14.8
#>   2nd     7.6   5.4  12.9
#>   3rd    24.0   8.1  32.1
#>   Crew   30.6   9.6  40.2
#>   Total  67.7  32.3 100.0
## Percentages with custom display
prop(tab, digits=2, percent=TRUE, total=FALSE, n=TRUE)
#>       Survived
#> Class  No       Yes      n   
#>   1st     5.54%    9.22%  325
#>   2nd     7.59%    5.36%  285
#>   3rd    23.99%    8.09%  706
#>   Crew   30.58%    9.63%  885
#>   n    1490      711     2201
## Could be applied to a table of 3 dimensions or more
#> , , Age = Child, Survived = No
#>        Sex
#> Class   Male  Female Total
#>   1st     0.0   0.0    0.0
#>   2nd     0.0   0.0    0.0
#>   3rd    67.3  32.7  100.0
#>   Crew    0.0   0.0    0.0
#>   Total  67.3  32.7  100.0
#> , , Age = Adult, Survived = No
#>        Sex
#> Class   Male  Female Total
#>   1st     8.2   0.3    8.5
#>   2nd    10.7   0.9   11.6
#>   3rd    26.9   6.2   33.1
#>   Crew   46.6   0.2   46.8
#>   Total  92.4   7.6  100.0
#> , , Age = Child, Survived = Yes
#>        Sex
#> Class   Male  Female Total
#>   1st     8.8   1.8   10.5
#>   2nd    19.3  22.8   42.1
#>   3rd    22.8  24.6   47.4
#>   Crew    0.0   0.0    0.0
#>   Total  50.9  49.1  100.0
#> , , Age = Adult, Survived = Yes
#>        Sex
#> Class   Male  Female Total
#>   1st     8.7  21.4   30.1
#>   2nd     2.1  12.2   14.4
#>   3rd    11.5  11.6   23.1
#>   Crew   29.4   3.1   32.4
#>   Total  51.7  48.3  100.0