obsplot is an R package that allows to use the Observable Plot library to create charts as HTML widgets. Observable Plot is a free, open-source JavaScript visualisation library developed by Mike Bostock and Philippe Rivière at Observable.

A word of caution

obsplot is still in an early stage, in particular its API could change in the future, either for self improvements or to follow Observable Plot evolutions. It may not be suitable for production right now.

Also to be considered, obsplot is not suitable for charting very large datasets : the generated plots are in SVG format, and when using it in RMarkdown or Shiny the underlying data are included in the output as JSON.


obsplot is not on CRAN yet, but can be installed from Github with :


Or from R-universe with :

install.packages("obsplot", repos = "https://juba.r-universe.dev")

Don’t forget to load the library with :

Getting started

Suppose we want to create a very simple dot chart from the penguins dataset of the palmerpenguins package :

To create such a chart we first initialise it with obsplot(). We pass as argument the data frame containing the data to plot :


We then add a graphical mark to create our chart. Here we use the dot mark by piping the mark_dot function. We pass as arguments the x and y channels giving the corresponding data frame columns :

obsplot(penguins) |>
    mark_dot(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth_mm)

Here we passed the data frame columns as symbols, but we can also use character strings instead :

obsplot(penguins) |>
    mark_dot(x = "bill_length_mm", y = "bill_depth_mm")

We can add other channels, for example by changing dots color according to another variable :

obsplot(penguins) |>
    mark_dot(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth_mm, stroke = island)

We can also add constant options to a mark to modify an attribute in the same way for all dots :

obsplot(penguins) |>
    mark_dot(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth_mm, stroke = island, r = 2)

We can also add global options to the chart with the opts() function :

obsplot(penguins) |>
    mark_dot(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth_mm, stroke = island, r = 2) |>
    opts(grid = TRUE)

Finally, we can modify the way variables values are linked to graphical attributes by using scales function :

obsplot(penguins) |>
    mark_dot(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth_mm, stroke = island, r = 2) |>
    scale_color(scheme = "set1") |>
    opts(grid = TRUE)

To go a bit deeper, we have to take a look at the fundamental concepts of Observable Plot : marks, faceting, scales and transforms.


Marks are the fundamental building blocks of Observable Plot charts. Each mark is a graphical representation of some data under a specific form : dot, line, area, text…

In Observable Plot, marks are defined by giving a marks JavaScript array to the Plot.plot() function. In obsplot, it is done by piping one or more of the mark_* family of functions. In the following example we add three different marks to create a scatterplot with two rules for x and y mean values :

mean_length <- mean(penguins$bill_length_mm, na.rm = TRUE)
mean_depth <- mean(penguins$bill_depth_mm, na.rm = TRUE)
obsplot(penguins) |>
    mark_ruleY(y = mean_depth) |>
    mark_ruleX(x = mean_length) |>
    mark_dot(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth_mm)

A mark function takes several arguments. The first one is an optional data object. If not specified, it is inherited from the one passed to obsplot. Other named arguments are called mark constructors and can be of several types :

  • a column channel, ie the name of a column of data, as a string ("col") or a symbol (col)
  • a vector channel, ie raw data to be plotted, in general as a vector
  • a constant option, which defines an option (such as size, color…) globally in the same way for all mark elements
  • JavaScript code, defined with the JS() function, evaluated at runtime

In the following example, both x and y are column channels, whereas stroke is a constant. In fact values passed to a color constructor (stroke or fill) are automatically considered as constant if they look like a CSS color name or definition.

obsplot(metros) |>
  mark_dot(x = POP_1980, y = POP_2015, stroke = "#D00")

If we want to highlight some points by adding a text label, we can do it by giving a specific data argument to mark_text :

metros_10m <- subset(metros, POP_2015 > 10000000)
obsplot(metros) |>
  mark_dot(x = POP_1980, y = POP_2015, stroke = "#D00") |>
  mark_text(metros_10m, x = POP_1980, y = POP_2015, text = nyt_display, dy = -10)

We can also use JavaScript code. For example, we can use accessors to convert population values to million of people :

obsplot(metros) |>
    x = JS("d => d.POP_1980 / 1000000"),
    y = JS("d => d.POP_2015 / 1000000"),
    stroke = "#D00"

We can also provide data directly to one of the channels (in Observable Plot, you can do it only by specifying a corresponding indexed data argument of the same length, this is done automatically in obsplot) :

obsplot() |>
  mark_lineY(y = cumsum(rnorm(100))) |>

The rules to determine a channel type are as follows (this may be subject to change in the future):

  • If it is a call to JS(), it is JavaScript code
  • If it is a single symbol, it is considered a column channel if the symbol name matches a data column. Otherwise it is seen as an object in the calling environment
  • If it is a vector of length > 1, it is considered as a vector channel
  • If it is a single number, it is considered as a vector channel except for r, strikeOpacity,fillOpacity, fontSize and rotate
  • If it is a single character string, it is considered a column channel except if it is a CSS color for fill and stroke

You can explicitly specify that a channel is a vector channel by using the as_data() helper function. In the following example, without as_data the code would raise an error as it would look for a "Paris" column in the data :

obsplot(metros) |>
  mark_dot(x = POP_1980, y = POP_2015) |>
  mark_dot(x = 9000000, y = 10600000, stroke = "red") |>
  mark_text(x = 9000000, y = 10600000, text = as_data("Paris"), dy = -10)

When a column or vector channel is of type Date or POSIXt in R, it is automatically converted to Date in JavaScript, and Observable Plot will take it into account for scale specification :

recent_aapl <- tail(aapl, 200)

obsplot(recent_aapl) |>
  mark_line(x = Date, y = Close)

Here is the list of the different mark functions currently available in obsplot :

  • mark_area
  • mark_areaX
  • mark_areaY
  • mark_barX
  • mark_barY
  • mark_cell
  • mark_cellX
  • mark_cellY
  • mark_dot
  • mark_dotX
  • mark_dotY
  • mark_frame
  • mark_function
  • mark_image
  • mark_line
  • mark_lineX
  • mark_lineY
  • mark_link
  • mark_rect
  • mark_rectX
  • mark_rectY
  • mark_ruleX
  • mark_ruleY
  • mark_svg
  • mark_text
  • mark_textX
  • mark_textY
  • mark_tickX
  • mark_tickY

To get a complete list of channels and options accepted or required by the different available marks, take a look at the marks API reference. For examples in obsplot, see the marks gallery.


Faceting allows to create a grid of comparable grouped charts. In Observable Plot faceting is used by adding a facet option to Plot.plot(). In obsplot it is achieved by piping the facet function.

Here, we create an horizontal set of scatterplots by passing an x channel to facet() :

obsplot(penguins) |>
  mark_dot(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth_mm, stroke = sex) |>
  facet(x = island)

To get a vertical faceting, define y instead of x. We can also add a frame around each subchart by using mark_frame() :

obsplot(penguins) |>
  mark_dot(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth_mm, stroke = sex) |>
  mark_frame() |>
  facet(y = island)

Finally it is also possible to create a trellis of charts by specifying both x and y.

obsplot(penguins) |>
  mark_dot(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth_mm, stroke = sex) |>
  mark_frame() |>
  facet(x = species, y = island)

For more information and examples on faceting and the available options, take a look at the facet options API reference and the facets section of the transforms gallery.


Scales is a family of functions which allow to modify the way a data value is mapped to a visual attribute such as position, size or color.

  • scale_color
  • scale_fx
  • scale_fy
  • scale_opacity
  • scale_r
  • scale_x
  • scale_y

Modifying scales in obsplot is done by piping one of the scale_ family of functions :

  • scale_x and scale_y allow to change the x and y scales
  • scale_color and scale_opacity modify the mappings on fill, stroke, fillOpacity and strokeOpacity channels
  • scale_r modifies the scale of the radius r channel
  • scale_fx and scale_fy are used to modify the band scales added when using faceting

For example, we could modify the x and y scales to become logarithmic and change their labels:

metros$evo <- (metros$POP_2015 - metros$POP_1980) / metros$POP_1980

obsplot(metros) |>
  mark_dot(x = POP_1980, y = POP_2015, stroke = evo) |>
  scale_x(type = "log", label = "Population 1980") |>
  scale_y(type = "log", label = "Population 2015")

Scales can also be used to specify a color palette, or even modify tick values with JavaScript code :

obsplot(metros) |>
  mark_dot(x = POP_1980, y = POP_2015, stroke = evo) |>
  scale_x(type = "log", label = "Pop 1980 (millions)", tickFormat = JS("d => d / 1000000")) |>
  scale_y(type = "log", label = "Pop 2015 (millions)", tickFormat = JS("d => d / 1000000")) |>
  scale_color(scheme = "viridis")

For a comprehensive list of scales arguments, see the scale options API reference.


Transforms are used to filter, modify or compute new data before plotting them.

Basic transforms

Every mark allows to provide a set of basic transforms : filter, sort and reverse. Those can be used by passing JavaScript code directly as argument to a mark function :

obsplot(metros) |>
    x = POP_1980, y = POP_2015, stroke = "#D00",
    filter = JS("d => d.POP_1980 > 2000000")

The transforms notebook provides more examples of these three transforms.

Transform functions

Transform functions are a set of functions which takes mark channels and options as input and compute a new set of channels and options. They are used, for example, to bin data to create an histogram, group them to compute a bar chart, etc.

In Observable Plot, transforms are functions (Plot.bin, Plot.windowX…) passed as option to a mark. In obsplot, a corresponding transform function (transform_bin(), transform_windowX()) is called and passed as argument to a mark function.

For example, if we want to create an histogram, we have to apply binning by calling transform_binX inside a mark_rectY :

obsplot(penguins) |>
    transform_binX(y = "count", x = bill_depth_mm)

Note that data columns can be passed as symbols (bill_depth_mm), but other arguments have to be character strings ("count").

To create a cell chart of the cross tabulation of two categorical variables, we have to apply a transform_group before calling mark_rect and mark_text :

obsplot(penguins) |>
    transform_group(fill = "count", x = island, y = species)
  ) |>
    transform_group(text = "count", x = island, y = species)
  ) |>
  scale_color(scheme = "PuRd")

Some transform functions take a specific first argument : either outputs for transform_bin, transform_binX, transform_binY, transform_group, transform_groupX, transform_groupY, transform_groupZ, transform_map, or a map for transform_mapX and transform_mapY. By default, the first argument passed is considered as the unique output or map, whereas the other ones are options. If you must specify several outputs, or if an output has the same name as an option, wrap them into a list() :

obsplot(penguins) |>
    mark_dot(y = species, x = body_mass_g) |>
          list(x1 = "min", x2 = "max"),
          y = species, x = body_mass_g
    ) |>
        list(x = "median"),
        y = species, x = body_mass_g, stroke = "red"
    ) |>
    scale_x(inset = 6) |>
    scale_y(label = NULL)

Transforms can be composed, and you can store a transform in an R object and reuse it.

df <- data.frame(
  index = 1:100,
  value = rnorm(100)

xy <- transform_mapY("cumsum", y = value, x = index, k = 20)
obsplot(df) |>
  mark_lineY(xy) |>
    transform_windowY(xy), stroke = "red"

For more informations about transforms, see the transforms notebook, the transforms API reference and obsplot transforms gallery.


Global options

You can define global options such as layout options or top-level options like grid, inset, round, etc. either directly in obsplot() or by piping the opts() function :

obsplot(metros) |>
    x = POP_1980, y = POP_2015, stroke = "#D00"
  ) |>
  opts(grid = TRUE, marginLeft = 80, nice = TRUE)

opts can also be used to add a caption :

obsplot(metros) |>
    x = POP_1980, y = POP_2015, stroke = "#D00"
  ) |>
  opts(caption = "What a wonderful scatterplot", grid = TRUE, marginLeft = 80)

Plot sizing

Plot sizing can be specified by giving height and width arguments in obsplot().

The default width and height value is "auto" : in this case height and width are computed by htmlwidgets and passed to Observable Plot, which should give a plot adjusted to its container’s size :

obsplot(metros) |>
  mark_tickX(x = POP_2015, strokeOpacity = .2)

By specifying height or width values, both Observable Plot and htmlwidgets will use these values :

obsplot(metros, height = 60) |>
  mark_tickX(x = POP_2015, strokeOpacity = .2)

Finally, when height and width are set to NULL, the chart dimensions in pixels will be determined by Observable Plot. Note that these dimensions may not be the same as the HTML widget dimensions, which can produce big margins :

obsplot(penguins, height = NULL, width = NULL) |>
  mark_dot(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth_mm, stroke = sex)

When obsplot is used in a Shiny app with a responsive layout such as fluidPage, it is recommended to use "auto" (the default) at least for width so that the chart will redraw itself accordingly when its container is resized.


Style options allow to customize plot appearance via CSS rules. They can be specified by piping the style() function :

obsplot(penguins) |>
  mark_dot(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth_mm) |>
  style(background = "#333", color = "#FFF", `font-family` = "serif")

Gear menu

A “gear” menu can be added on the right side of the plots with additional features such as SVG export. This can be enabled by specifying menu = TRUE :

obsplot(penguins, menu = TRUE) |>
  mark_dot(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth_mm, stroke = sex)

You can also enable the gear menu globally in an R session, a Shiny app or an RMarkdown document with :

options("obsplot_menu" = TRUE)


From R to JavaScript

Data conversion from R to JavaScript is handled by htmlwidgets via JSON serialization. As a general rule, a data.frame in R is converted to a d3 style data array (an array of objects), a list in R is converted to an object, a vector of size > 1 is converted to an array, and a vector of size 1 is converted to a number or character string.

obsplot includes some helpers to automatically detect when an object is of class Date or POSIXt, and convert it to back a JavaScript Date object.

Differences with Observable Plot

There are several differences between obsplot and Observable Plot, mainly :

  • data can be declared in obsplot() and inherited by the chart marks, whereas in Observable Plot it must be declared for each mark.
  • if a channel is given as a vector channel (a vector) and no data has been declared, an indexed data argument of the same length is automatically added.
  • if a channel is considered as data and of size 1, it will be replicated to the length of the greatest other vector channel (if possible).
  • to force a single element to be considered as data and not as a column name, you must use as_data() in obsplot instead of [] in JavaScript.
  • for transform functions that accept both outputs (or map) and options arguments, the first argument is automatically considered as the output (or the map), whereas in Observable Plot you must specify two distinct objects.

Tips and tricks

Data preselection

When the plotted data are stored in a data frame, obsplot has currently no way to determine which columns are used or not. This is not a problem in an interactive session, but when used in an RMarkdown document, the whole dataset will be embedded in the output document in JSON format, which can make the document size go up quickly.

One solution is to preselect the needed data in R before calling obsplot :

df <- penguins[, c(bill_depth_mm, bill_length_mm)]
obsplot(df) |>
  mark_dot(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth_mm)

Reusing transform arguments

You can predefine transform argument in a list for reuse :

xy <- list(x = "island", y = "species")

obsplot(penguins, height = 100) |>
    transform_group(fill = "count", xy)
  ) |>
    transform_group(text = "count", xy)
  ) |>
  scale_color(scheme = "PuRd")

Note that in this case, all arguments including data column names must be passed as strings, not as symbols.

If you want to add new arguments to this predefined list, you’ll have to use append and put the new arguments themselves in a list :

xy <- list(x = "island", y = "species")

obsplot(penguins, height = 100) |>
    transform_group(fill = count, xy)
  ) |>
      text = "count",
        list(fill = "black", fontWeight = "bold", fontSize = 16, stroke = "#FFF")
  ) |>
  scale_color(scheme = "PuRd")

Passing column names as symbols

To make interactive usage simpler, obsplot allows to pass column names as symbols instead of character strings.

obsplot(penguins) |>
    mark_dot(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth_mm)

If the symbol matches both a data column and an environment object, the data column has priority.

df <- data.frame(x = c("A", "B", "C"))
x <- 1:5
obsplot(df, height = 60) |>
  mark_dotX(x = x)

Only single symbols can be used as data columns, any other type of expression will be evaluated in the current environment.

obsplot(df, height = 60) |>
  mark_dotX(x = x * 10)

The same rules apply when symbols are used in facet().

In transform functions, data columns can also be passed as symbols, but in these cases the rules are a bit different because the transform doesn’t have a direct access to the data to check if the symbol name is a column.

  1. If the symbol doesn’t exist in the calling environment, it is considered as a data column and converted to a character string.
df <- data.frame(
  v1 = rnorm(100)

obsplot(df, height = 120) |>
    transform_binX(y = "count", x = v1)
  1. If the symbol exists in the calling environment but is a function, it is also considered as a data column and converted to a character string. This allows to use symbols corresponding to R function like min, range, etc.
df <- data.frame(
  max = rnorm(100)

obsplot(df, height = 120) |>
    transform_binX(y = "count", x = max)
  1. Otherwise, the symbol is evaluated in its calling environment.
rnd <- rnorm(100)

obsplot(df, height = 120) |>
    transform_binX(y = "count", x = rnd)

What may be confusing here is that the priority is reversed regarding mark or facet functions : if a symbol exists with in the calling environment, it has priority over a data column of the same name.

df <- data.frame(
  x = rnorm(100)
x <- 1000:1100

obsplot(df, height = 120) |>
    transform_binX(y = "count", x = x)

In this case you can use a character string instead of a symbol if you want to be sure that a channel will be seen as a data column.

obsplot(df, height = 120) |>
    transform_binX(y = "count", x = "x")

JavaScript libraries in JS()

When using JavaScript in obsplot with JS(), both d3 and Plot libraries are available. You can then directly call d3 functions or Plot formats in your code.

obsplot() |>
    mark_lineY(JS("d3.cumsum({length: 300}, d3.randomNormal())")) |>
    scale_x(axis = NULL)