Given a two dimensions contingency table, this function outputs HTML code to display, within a dynamic tabbed interface, the count, row percentages, column percentages and chi-squared residuals tables.
count = TRUE,
rows = TRUE,
cols = TRUE,
chisq = TRUE,
resid = TRUE,
row.names = TRUE
a two dimensions table object
whether or not to display the count table
whether or not to display the row percentages table
whether or not to display the column percentages table
whether or not to display the table chi-squared test results
whether or not to display the chi-squared residuals table
whether or not to display the table row names
No value is returned.
The function is intended to be called inside an rmarkdown document.
tab <- table(airquality$Month, airquality$Ozone > 25)
#> Warning: Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect
#> Warning: Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect
#> --- COUNT ---
#> | | FALSE| TRUE|
#> |:--|-----:|----:|
#> |5 | 17| 9|
#> |6 | 5| 4|
#> |7 | 4| 22|
#> |8 | 6| 20|
#> |9 | 18| 11|
#> --- ROWS % ---
#> | | FALSE| TRUE| Total| n|
#> |:---|-----:|----:|-----:|---:|
#> |5 | 65.4| 34.6| 100| 26|
#> |6 | 55.6| 44.4| 100| 9|
#> |7 | 15.4| 84.6| 100| 26|
#> |8 | 23.1| 76.9| 100| 26|
#> |9 | 62.1| 37.9| 100| 29|
#> |All | 43.1| 56.9| 100| 116|
#> --- COLS % ---
#> | | FALSE| TRUE| All|
#> |:-----|-----:|-----:|-----:|
#> |5 | 34| 13.6| 22.4|
#> |6 | 10| 6.1| 7.8|
#> |7 | 8| 33.3| 22.4|
#> |8 | 12| 30.3| 22.4|
#> |9 | 36| 16.7| 25.0|
#> |Total | 100| 100.0| 100.0|
#> |n | 50| 66.0| 116.0|
#> --- CHI2 RESIDUALS ---
#> | | FALSE| TRUE|
#> |:--|-----:|-----:|
#> |5 | 1.73| -1.51|
#> |6 | 0.57| -0.50|
#> |7 | -2.15| 1.87|
#> |8 | -1.56| 1.35|
#> |9 | 1.56| -1.35|
#> X-squared = 22.4831, df = 4, p = 0.0001606