Insert a glide component in the current shiny app UI
id = NULL,
next_label = paste("Next", shiny::icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")),
previous_label = paste(shiny::icon("chevron-left", lib = "glyphicon"), "Back"),
loading_label = span(span(class = "shinyglide-spinner"), span("Loading")),
loading_class = "loading",
disable_type = c("disable", "hide"),
height = "100%",
keyboard = TRUE,
swipe = TRUE,
start_at = 0,
custom_controls = NULL,
controls_position = c("bottom", "top")
content of the glide.
optional HTML id of the glide root element.
label to be used in the "next" control.
label to be used in the "back" control.
label to be used in the "next" control when the next screen is still loading.
class to add to the "next" control when the next screen is still loading.
either to "disable" or "hide" the next or back control when it is disabled by a condition.
height of the glide (something like "400px" or "100%").
set this to FALSE to disable keyboard navigation.
set this to FALSE to disable swipe navigation.
start at specific slide number defined with zero-based index (default 0).
custom HTML or shiny tags to be used for the controls. If `NULL“, use the default ones.
either to place the default or custom controls on "top" or "bottom" of the glide.
screen nextButton prevButton firstButton lastButton
## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
if (interactive()) {
ui <- fixedPage(
h3("Simple shinyglide app"),
p("First screen.")
p("Second screen.")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
shinyApp(ui, server)