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Returns the number of segment of each cluster for each source document


clusters_by_doc_table(obj, clust_var = NULL, doc_id = NULL, prop = FALSE)



a corpus, tokens or dtm object


name of the docvar with the clusters


docvar identifying the source document


if TRUE, returns the percentage of each cluster by document


This function is only useful for previously segmented corpus. If doc_id is NULL and there is a sement_source docvar, it will be used instead.


# \donttest{
#> Loading required package: quanteda
#> Package version: 4.0.2
#> Unicode version: 14.0
#> ICU version: 70.1
#> Parallel computing: disabled
#> See for tutorials and examples.
corpus <- data_corpus_inaugural
corpus <- head(corpus, n = 10)
corpus <- split_segments(corpus)
#>   Splitting...
#>   Done.
tok <- tokens(corpus, remove_punct = TRUE)
tok <- tokens_remove(tok, stopwords("en"))
dtm <- dfm(tok, tolower = TRUE)
dtm <- dfm_trim(dtm, min_docfreq = 2)
res <- rainette(dtm, k = 3, min_segment_size = 15)
#>   Merging segments to comply with min_segment_size...
#>   Clustering...
#>   Done.
corpus$cluster <- cutree(res, k = 3)
clusters_by_doc_table(corpus, clust_var = "cluster", prop = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 4
#>    doc_id          clust_1 clust_2 clust_3
#>    <chr>             <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1 1789-Washington   29.7     56.8    13.5
#>  2 1793-Washington  100        0       0  
#>  3 1797-Adams        13.6     64.4    22.0
#>  4 1801-Jefferson     9.09    72.7    18.2
#>  5 1805-Jefferson    10.5     52.6    36.8
#>  6 1809-Madison      25       32.1    42.9
#>  7 1813-Madison      21.2     33.3    45.5
#>  8 1817-Monroe       18.2     22.7    59.1
#>  9 1821-Monroe       14.8     13.9    71.3
#> 10 1825-Adams        19.5     31.2    49.4
# }